dimanche 20 novembre 2011

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle, et les souvenirs aussi.

I love autumn so much. Lately I've been waiting for summer every year with lots of impatience&exitement, but   it feels just good now to be back in autumn, with beautiful leaves, the cold yet sweet blue sky and the early night that makes you feel so comfy& at peace in your bed. I just love walking in parks, or wandering in Paris, even if this time of the year reminisces many memories. But memories are things to cherish even if they can be painful times to times. It's already been 4months, since I travelled through Europe following YFC&Gackt. There isn't a single day I don't have a wave of memories coming back to me. I'm so grateful for them doing music and sharing it, I'm grateful for the memories I have and this experience I lived.
You know sometimes you feel pain, and you just think it's so unfair that you feel this way. I'm not guru, but I sincerely believe that there's a simple way of turning everything around so that it's joy and not pain anymore. Just like unrequited love. Don't be sad for this person not loving you, but feel grateful for her/he giving you the chance to feel love. And let this love grow up, it will bloom and glow through you, with the most beautiful light.

4 commentaires:

  1. I love the pictures on your blog, they're marvellous!

  2. ou as tu pris ces photos ça me fait penser au parc du château de versailles.

  3. My goodness! Your pics are so gorgeous especially the #4, 5, 6 and the last one.

  4. C'est le parc de Sceaux :-)
