▲First step is the Taj Mahal.
India in general is a country I absolutely want to visit, I have always loved the culture, the aesthetic, the spirit, the energy, the colors, the nature, the spirituality ... obviously I am also aware of how poor the country is, full of violence and inequalities. But the number one place I want to see there, and I could probably say in the whole world is the Taj Mahal. Why? I don't know exactly why that is, but I have always felt a pretty deep connection to that place. As far as I can remember, it has always been my favourite monument after the Eiffel Tower, I've always had all sorts of fantasies and beliefs about it. I am highly and strongly convinced that the people I will see it with, will be in my life forever. It's a pure product of my mind, but I just believe it for some reasons! That's why this place is so special. I'll probably cry when I stand in front of this majestic palace, and this is most likely, going to be one of the best moments of my life.
Egypt was my first love. As a kid, I was obsessed with this country, collecting everything that was related to it, reading everything I could find about it, watching documentaries that everyone found pretty boring, making egyptian like jewelry, dreaming about how wonderful, powerful, advanced and just brilliant this civilization was. Eventhough my interest has slightly shifted more to the asian side of the world now, I still have a great fascination for this country and somehow also a real tenderness. It breaks my heart to see that a so beautiful and welcoming country, which economy highly depends on tourism has to pay the consequences of the very unstable political situations of near by countries. This is actually the reason why I've never been there yet, and that is quite sad.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/_marek_/6959823767/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/pigalleworld/5062373560/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefan_heinrich/3980922980/ |
▲Angkor temples.
Probably one of the most impressive and mysterious places ever. The Kmer civilization is actually pretty interesting, and they could have built cities and monuments, with infrastructure and size that were for that time, completely insanely big and advanced. It's just amazing to think of the life that was there before. And I apparently have a thing for ruins. What can I say?!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/redrose56/8150532347/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/luigistrano/3989329859/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/44298073@N00/3741792527/ |
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharnik/4574732678/ |
▲ Jordan
Who wouldn't want to go to Jordan? The country is beautiful, full of historic sites, amazing monuments, the nature is beautiful and wild and you can even float in the dead sea! Petra only would make me fly there anyway. I more generally love arabic countries, and would just love to be able to visit Iran, Libya, Lebanon...
There are many more places I am dreaming of. Obviously the whole world, or almost, appeals to me, but Easter Island, Zanzibar, Krakow, Croatia, Ushuaia and Bhutan are also some places I'm dying to go to ...
There are so many amazing, beautiful, interesting places in the world, but it's always funny to see how people's opinions are different, and which countries attract them the most. As for me, it doesn't always have a realistic&logical reason, I tend to love places I've read about as a child, or heard so much during my childhood that I feel like we've been old lovers that never got to meet each other. For instance I'm well aware most people don't share my love and interest for eastern europe, but it will always hold a very very special place in my heart.
What about you? What are the places you absolutely want to see?
Let me know ! :)
hey what about algeria? hahah
RépondreSupprimerLiban=Lebanon, pays que j'aimerais également visiter.
RépondreSupprimerJ'aime beaucoup ta liste je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a d'étrange là-dedans...
La Thaïlande, le Japon, la Nouvelle-Zélande, L'Indonésie entre autre me font rêver.
On bénéficie en tant que Français d'une liberté de mouvement et de voyage quasi
illimitée (ce n'est pas donné à toutes les nationalités.)
Je n'ai pas l'habitude d'écrire cela mais j'aime beaucoup ton blog et tes vidéos : tu sembles être une personne formidable, pleine de curiosité et de vie. Je te souhaite le meilleur.
I have the chance to have extremely traveler parents, especially a mother passionate about Egypt. The pyramid of Cheops, Abu Simbel, Petra, these are extremely beautiful sites with a rich history. Hope you'll visit them one day :)
RépondreSupprimerWhat about the Himalayas? :D
RépondreSupprimerI definitely want to go to Egypt and see Petra in Jordan too. This is a fun post! I might do one like it soon :)
RépondreSupprimerAll these places look amazing! I'd love to visit the Taj but out of this list Egypt would be my favorite place to go and visit! The pyramids are so cool, and I'd really enjoy seeing them in person.
YES! I totally agree with these spots as must-sees... Particularly for me, I'm finding I am more and more drawn to India lately. I think I want India to be my big trip for next summer... I'm thinking 2 months or so. Maybe I will see you there???
RépondreSupprimerJ'adorerais vister Budapest, Moscou, Kiev, Munich..Faire le tour du monde c'est mon rêve. J'aime énormément l'Allemagne et la Pologne mais mes parents ne sont pas vraiment d'accord. Alors j'attendrais jusqu'à mes 18 ans ahah. Sinon j'aime beaucoup ton blog, surtout les photos de tes voyages! xx